Croatian Culture and History: The Most Interesting Parts

Beginning with the country’s earliest monuments and continuing all the way up to the present day, Croatia’s cultural legacy is a veritable treasure trove. It is one of the most intriguing aspects of this multidimensional country, which acts as a living expression of the complex amalgamation that is Europe. The Avars and Croats migrated westward together at the same time, and it was during this period that the Croats became Christians and adopted the culture and language of Latin-speaking countries. They did, however, maintain the old Glagolitic character employed in Slavic alive, and they used it for authoring liturgical texts in a significant majority of cases.


Croatians place a great emphasis on family. A popular proverb, “Tko ce kome ako ne svoj svom,” or, ‘Who will you help if not your own,’ is used to describe their loyalty and sense of identity that stems from familial roots.

In the 1st century, BC Illyrian and Celtic tribes mingled with Greek culture as it reached southern Croatia through trade. By the 480s AD, the area was associated with Roman rule and had developed numerous Latin-speaking, Romanesque cities such as Split.

In the 7th century, southern Slavic tribes migrated to Croatia and were soon legitimized by the Franks or the Byzantines in various ways such as through city-states like Split and Ragusa (Dubrovnik). They established their own style of art that blended Latin influences with local motifs.


Croatia is a country of literary and artistic pioneers. Its modern national identity draws on a combination of medieval roots, associations with Viennese “high culture,” and culturally diverse rural traditions.

The 19th-century Illyrian movement was an important period of national emancipation, giving rise to Croatian authors. Adolfo Veber Tkalcevic was a philologist, writer, and literary critic who authored several school-level textbooks and the first syntax of standard Croatian.

Naive art, a distinct segment of 20th-century art, has its roots in Croatia. Its founders were peasants and working men with no formal art training. Naive painting has a fundamental democratic component, proving that anyone can create worthwhile art.


Music is a huge part of Croatian culture, and traditional music has been an important component of celebrations and social gatherings for centuries. It is influenced by various cultures that have inhabited the region including Illyrian, Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman, and Austro-Hungarian.

Klapa, a male choir singing style that has its roots in liturgical church singing, is popular throughout the country while Istrian music has unique scales and distinctive two-part harmonies. Croatian naive art, through its simple depiction of the everyday concerns of life, struck a chord internationally in the mid to late 20th century.

New age and modern music are gaining popularity in Croatia, with groups such as Tutti Frutti Band, Azra and Paraf enjoying a high profile.


A Croatian proverb, “Tko ce kome ako nija svoja?” (Who will you help if not your own?) reflects the sense of family and community amongst Croats. This loyalty extends to the country’s culture.

The 7th century saw Croats, along with other Slavs and Avars, migrate from Eastern Europe to the Dalmatian hinterland where they came into contact with Roman art, culture, and Christianity. It is from this period that the Croatian script – Glagolitic – and the ornate Baroque style originated.

Croatian theatre has a rich history, with religious liturgical drama and secular performances by traveling entertainers. The Renaissance also saw a flourishing of theatrical writing, with renowned playwrights such as Marin Drzic and Hanibal Lucic.


Croatia’s position on the Adriatic Sea and over 1000 islands makes seafood a staple of its cuisine. It is also influenced by the cuisines of its mainland and coastal regions which differ in form, taste, and cooking techniques.

Croatian cuisine has been shaped by Turkish, Central European, and Italian influences. Dishes include Kulen and kilonova seka, homemade dry-cured meat products, believe, and spicy sausages. People from this region place a strong emphasis on family and community. They are known for their work ethic but also love leisure time. This can be seen in their close-knit communities and family-run businesses. They are also proud of their traditional folk crafts.


Croatia hasn’t been at the center of events very often, but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been important. From the cravat, which was the first tie-like thing, to Tihomir Blaskic’s trial and death in The Hague, Croatia has always been a part of cultural changes and has always taken in and changed what was going on around it.

During the medieval period, Croats develop an identity as a people and adopt (Western) Christianity; two Duchies of Croatia are formed, the first in Dalmatia and the second in Pannonia.

Delve into the captivating Croatian culture and history, where traditions have played a significant role in shaping its identity. In a rapidly globalizing society, it is crucial to understand the importance of preserving and cherishing these traditions. As you uncover the most intriguing aspects of Croatian culture, take a moment to reflect on the broader context of traditions in our modern world. Our thought-provoking article on the importance of traditions in a globalized society sheds light on how these cultural practices foster a sense of belonging, promote cultural diversity, and bridge the gap between generations. Embracing and safeguarding traditions is an integral part of appreciating Croatian heritage and safeguarding cultural values worldwide.

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